Friday, August 10, 2018

the gypsy

by sylvie anomie

“where are you going?”

“to see the gypsy.”

“you went to see the gypsy last night.”

“i know, but i am going to see her again tonight. what are you going to do?”

“i am going to watch mission impossible 2 again.”

“you watched top gun last night. don’t you ever get tired of watching tom cruise movies?”

“don’t you get tired of going to see the gypsy?”

“not yet.” jack put his hat on and headed for the door.

“you know, if the gypsy wasn’t so old and ugly, i would think there was something going on between you. In fact I am starting to think there is something , anyway.”

jack paused at the door. “think what you want. the gypsy’s door is aways open and so is her window. anybody passing by can look inside and see what is going on.”

“yeah, i know, “ jill smirked. she watched as jack went out and closed the door behind him.

jill decided to give jack a little head start and follow him. tom cruise could wait for a while. she went and brushed her teeth because she had just finished off a pepperoni and onion pizza, and when she was finished she put her hat on and went out.

it was a pleasant evening. couples strolled hand in hand. there was a nice breeze, coming from the river.

jill went down to the river. past the post office and nick’s pizza and estelle’s hair salon and bob’s parking and a vacant lot until she came to the gypsy’s little place.

she looked in the window. sure enough, there was the gypsy, old and bent and ugly as ever, and there was jack, with his foolish smile on his face.

the gypsy had a deck of cards in her wrinkled hand and she took one from it and placed it on the table.

jack looked at the card as if it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen , and listened, nodding his head as the gypsy began to expound on it.

what fools they both are, thought jill. do they not realize that a turn of a card will never be accepted as final?

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